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Andorian's Shop

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I have taught English, EAL, French, Spanish and Italian. I love to use images. I like to make short activities, useful for starters or fillers.




I have taught English, EAL, French, Spanish and Italian. I love to use images. I like to make short activities, useful for starters or fillers.
Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast

This is a series of contrasting pictures, with questions, for making comparisons. Good 'brain gym&' activity.
Mythical Creatures

Mythical Creatures

This makes a good starter or filler activity. The first slide explains the activity and the second models it. Then, give each group a picture and ask them to mind map it. For extension, have them compare any two pictures.
Six Starters using a Grid

Six Starters using a Grid

Here is a selection of fun starters/ activities using a grid. Only one needs any preparation; you can just go with the others. Adaptable to most subject matter.
Daily Routine: Robert's Day

Daily Routine: Robert's Day

This is a series of pictures and comments about a boy's day to reinforce the present simple - what he normally/usually/sometimes does etc.. There is reading, sequencing, match up (sentences and pictures), true or false and a gap fill activity. Thanks to my colleague Sophia in Ukraine for the template. I&'ve done this for my EAL class, but it may suit younger pupils.
Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

This is a play with 9 parts (easily adaptable). I am doing a topic on fairy tales, leading on to Shrek. I acted this out with my EAL students.
Famous Quotations

Famous Quotations

Quotes on various areas of life: happiness, success, family, technology in the classroom etc.... The students analyse, compare and contrast and make up their own. Each slide could be used as a starter to get your students thinking or to promote debate. They could end by producing an inspirational poster.
Jack makes his New Year's Resolutions.

Jack makes his New Year's Resolutions.

I uploaded a different copy of this earlier, which I have now deleted. This one is better! It's a reading passage with exercises, including making resolutions for different people and a cloze exercise. Also, the main passage uses &'said&'; many times - presenting a good opportunity to practise using alternative words to 'said&'.
Shapes on the High Street

Shapes on the High Street

A two page activity to get your students talking and writing about shapes. Parts of this could be used as starters and it could certainly lead to a survey: go onto the street and see how many shapes you can spot and in what circumstances. EAL teachers can use this to teach/reinforce prepositions and the present continuous tense.
The Present Continuous Tense with a Street Scene

The Present Continuous Tense with a Street Scene

Two pages - a great picture, by Laurie A. Conley. With a picture, I normally 1) play Splat! 2) Memory game 3) Barrier game (pupil A facing picture, pupil B not allowed to look) 'she&'s wearing a pink top - what&';s she doing? 4) Hot seat - e.g.you are Will 'what are you doing?&' &';what can you see?' etc.... Here, I have made a variety of exercises for writing or homework.
Snow Day

Snow Day

A reading comprehension, with questions and language activities. Jack and Kelsey brave the journey only to find that the school is closed.
Question Words

Question Words

Two sheets of practice with the 'wh&' words and that honorary wh word - how. Nice pictures on the template.
Presenting the Lesson Objective

Presenting the Lesson Objective

Get your students involved and thinking, right from the start of the lesson! Turn the objective/title/'learn&' - however you refer to it in your school, into an interactive exercise. Fifteen suggestions. I hope you find them useful.